tape drive - traducción al Inglés
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tape drive - traducción al Inglés

Tape drives; Shoe-shining Effect; Tape backup; Tape streamer; ✇; Shoe-shining effect; Streamer (tape drive); Tape Back-Up; Tape Drive; 🖭; Colorado tape drive

tape drive         

общая лексика

лентопротяжное устройство, накопитель на магнитной ленте, НМЛ

устройство для архивирования и резервного копирования данных на магнитную ленту. В более узком смысле - механизм, перемещающий ленту при операциях поиска файла, чтения-записи или перемотки

Смотрите также

rewind; storage device; tape-array; tape backup

tape drive         
1) лентопротяжное устройство
2) ленточный привод
3) тесёмочный транспортёр; ленточный конвейер
4) ремённая передача
tape drive         
привод лентопротяжного устройства


(англ. drive - движение, гонка, спешка), энергичная манера исполнения в джазе, при которой достигается эффект нарастающего ускорения темпа, активной устремленности движения.


Tape drive

A tape drive is a data storage device that reads and writes data on a magnetic tape. Magnetic-tape data storage is typically used for offline, archival data storage. Tape media generally has a favorable unit cost and a long archival stability.

A tape drive provides sequential access storage, unlike a hard disk drive, which provides direct access storage. A disk drive can move to any position on the disk in a few milliseconds, but a tape drive must physically wind tape between reels to read any one particular piece of data. As a result, tape drives have very large average access times. However, tape drives can stream data very quickly off a tape when the required position has been reached. For example, as of 2017 Linear Tape-Open (LTO) supports continuous data transfer rates of up to 360 MB/s, a rate comparable to hard disk drives.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para tape drive
1. that all these tape drives
2. of failures of tape drives
3. of offline storage in tape drives,
4. in 45 years and old tape drives that
Skycorp and the ISEE-3 Reboot Project _ Dennis Wingo _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de tape drive
1. My brother and I would wait patiently for the games to load off from the cassette tape drive.
2. Samir Datt says the investigators could put to use advanced software that protects computer systems, discovers and recovers all files through forensic bitsream imaging of hard disc drives as well as tape drive memory sticks.